Attorney SEO – How To Market Your Lawyer Online
As a business person seeking the services of an attorney SEO company, you should do your homework. The internet is home to a lot of law firms that are offering their legal services. You may contact them with the intention of setting up a meeting, and most of the time it works out very well. However, if you don’t have a clue about how law firms operate, then things might go wrong. You should not choose the first law firm you come across online.
When you look up the website of such a law firm, there will be many pages to read through. This is because SEO companies have spent long hours optimizing the legal websites of these law firms so that they appear high in search engine results. Most of these law firms have spent money hiring people such as link builders, article writers, and bloggers to increase traffic to their sites. It is not uncommon to see link to attorney SEOs working for such sites.
Attorneys who have web sites may wonder why a lawyer SEO would be of any help to them. The truth is that a lawyer SEO can help a lawyer improve his visibility in search engines. What does this mean? When a user enters a search term such as “attorney”, “lawyer”, “lawyer seo”, or “attorney”, the search engine sends the user to a page with lots of links to other pages. For example, if you search for “attorney San Diego California”, you’ll find plenty of links to San Diego attorney websites.
For every lawyer that links to his or her site, the volume of traffic that comes to that lawyer’s site will increase. If that lawyer has chosen to have his or her name included in his or her link, the number of hits will also increase. In turn, this can be very useful to the online marketing of a law firm. This is because more people will be able to visit the site from the link. This means there will be more people searching for attorneys, and thus more clients.
How many clients can a law firm gain through its online marketing strategies? Depending on the size of a law firm, an average number of twenty to thirty clients per lawyer per month is common. The volume of lawyers using this type of online marketing is still relatively low. But it is growing each day.
If you are a lawyer, there are some things that you can do in order to get the most benefit from your SEO strategy. First of all, make sure that your lawyer website contains keywords that describe the services that your law firm provides. It can be helpful if you include your URL address in your website’s domain name. This way, clients will always be able to reach you.
If your attorney website already has a Google Places page, make sure that it is listed. Google places page is a great tool for business owners because it can help your site to rank higher. Another method that you can use to improve the ranking of your site is to submit articles to article directories. These directories allow you to place links back to your attorney site, and in turn, Google and other search engines will recognize these links as credible.
However, it is important that you do not overdo this approach. Your links must only point back to your attorney site. Also, keep in mind that you do not have to outsource articles just to create back links for your lawyer. You can write your own original articles. You should also consider putting your attorney link into the articles so that people will be able to find you easily. This is one of the best ways that you can promote yourself as an attorney online.